--- /dev/null
+# evpf - postfix evaluator
+evpf (**ev**aluate **p**ost**f**ix is a simple postfix expression evaluator
+written as a learning project in rust. It supports both command line and
+interactive mode.
+## Command line mode
+ evpf <expression>
+where `<expression>` is a postfix expression like `20 30 + 11 -` etc.
+Currently only 4 operators are supported: `+`, `-`, `*` and `/`. (In command
+line mode, `*` has to be escaped using `\*` to work properly.)
+## Interactive mode
+Interactive mode displays a prompt where expressions can be evaluated by
+typing into the prompt (line editing and session-history supported by
+ evpf>
+In interactive mode, apart from entering expressions, the following commands
+are supported
+* `q` or `Q` - quit
+* `?` or `h` or `H` - help