# get all the articles
arts = biaweb_db.site_articles (dbname)
# if cannot get articles
- if arts == False:
+ if arts is False:
return False
# if full text index, then field should be article content otherwise keywords
# get all articles from the database
articles = biaweb_db.site_articles (dbname)
- if articles == False:
+ if articles is False:
# walk through each article and generate the file in the appropriate category
# now get the list of articles for the specified category
articles_list = biaweb_db.site_articles (dbname, cat[0])
- if articles_list == False:
+ if articles_list is False:
return False
tableitems = []
# get the latest articles (limit by number of rss items)
arts = biaweb_db.site_latest_articles (dbname, conf[4])
- if arts == False:
+ if arts is False:
return False
rss_item_list = []
# get the latest articles - conf[4] is num of rss entries to be used also
latest_arts = biaweb_db.site_latest_articles (dbname, conf[4])
- if latest_arts == False:
+ if latest_arts is False:
return False
news_items = []
# get the configuration
conf = biaweb_db.get_configuration (dbname)
# if cannot get configuration
- if conf == False:
+ if conf is False:
return False
# get the templates
tpls = biaweb_db.get_templates (dbname)
- if tpls == False:
+ if tpls is False:
return False
# get the list of categories
cats = biaweb_db.get_categories (dbname)
# cannot get categories return false
- if cats == False:
+ if cats is False:
return False
# format the categories as a html bulleted list
# get the best rated articles
best_rated = biaweb_db.site_get_bestrated (dbname)
# if cannot retrieve
- if best_rated == False:
+ if best_rated is False:
return False
# format the best rated articles as a html bulleted list
best_rated_str = html_format_best_rated (best_rated)
# generate the index page including style sheet
ret = generate_home_page (dbname, conf, tpls, cats_str, best_rated_str)
- if ret == False:
+ if ret is False:
return False
# generate the rss feed
ret = generate_rss_feed (dbname, conf)
- if ret == False:
+ if ret is False:
return False
# generate the category directories and indices
ret = generate_category_indices (dbname, conf, tpls, cats_str, best_rated_str, cats)
- if ret == False:
+ if ret is False:
return False
# generate the article pages
ret = generate_article_pages (dbname, conf, tpls, cats_str, best_rated_str)
- if ret == False:
+ if ret is False:
return False
# copy other files/folders into the destination path
ret = copy_files_folders (conf, files_to_copy, folders_to_copy)
- if ret == False:
+ if ret is False:
return False
# now generate the search index database
ret = generate_search_index (dbname, conf, search_type_full)
- if ret == False:
+ if ret is False:
return False
# finally when all is successfully done return true
recs = biaweb_db.get_categories (self.current_db)
# check with False because None is returned when no records exist
- if recs == False:
+ if recs is False:
PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Error", "SQLite 3 error in getting the categories")
return False
recs = biaweb_db.get_articles (self.current_db, catid)
# check with False because None is returned when no records exist
- if recs == False:
+ if recs is False:
PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Error", "SQLite 3 error in getting the articles")
return False
loaded_arts = self.repopulate_articles ()
# if failed in loading either categories or articles (note: checking against
# False and not None)
- if loaded_cats == False or loaded_arts == False:
+ if loaded_cats is False or loaded_arts is False:
self.current_db = None
PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Error",
"SQLite 3 error in loading site database. This appears to be an invalid BiaWeb database")
tpl_str = biaweb_db.get_template_text (self.current_db, tpl_name)
# if template string cannot be obtained for some reason
- if tpl_str == False:
+ if tpl_str is False:
PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Error", "SQLite 3 error in retrieving template")
# open edit dialog with title "template name" and text as the template string
# update the template with the new template string
ret = biaweb_db.update_template (self.current_db, tpl_name, upd_tpl_str)
# if update failed
- if ret == False:
+ if ret is False:
PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Error", "SQLite 3 error in updating template")