def use (self, otherobject):
+# class for well
+class Well (GameObject):
+ def __init__ (self, row, col, image=None, liquid = "water"):
+ self.liquid = liquid
+ text = "Well"
+ GameObject.__init__ (self, row, col, text, image, False, "Draw %s" % liquid)
+ def interact (self):
+ return False
+ def use (self, otherobject):
+ # if the object is a bucket, fill it
+ if isinstance (otherobject, Bucket) is True:
+ # but only if it is empty
+ if otherobject.liquid is None:
+ otherobject.liquid = self.liquid
+# class for buckets
+class Bucket (GameObject):
+ def __init__ (self, row, col, image=None, liquid = None):
+ self.liquid = liquid
+ text = "Bucket"
+ if liquid is not None:
+ text = text + " containing %s" % liquid
+ GameObject.__init__ (self, row, col, text, image, True, "Empty it")
+ def interact (self):
+ return True
+ def use (self, otherobject):
+ # if the other object is a bucket, transfer its
+ # contents to the other bucket
+ if isinstance (otherobject, Bucket):
+ otherobject.liquid = self.liquid
+ # empty the bucket of its contents
+ self.liquid = None
+ self.text = "Bucket"
class GoldCoins (GameObject):
# initialize
def __init__ (self, row, col, image, value):
self.img_key2.set_colorkey (pygame.Color (0, 255, 0))
self.img_chest = pygame.image.load (os.path.join ("objects", "chest.png")).convert ()
self.img_chest.set_colorkey (pygame.Color (0, 255, 0))
+ self.img_bucket = pygame.image.load (os.path.join ("objects", "bucket.png")).convert ()
+ self.img_bucket.set_colorkey (pygame.Color (0, 255, 0))
# initialize player graphics
self.img_butabafront = pygame.image.load (os.path.join ("sprite", "butaba-front.png")).convert ()
gold50 = gameobjects.GoldCoins (6, 2, self.img_goldcoins, 50)
gold25 = gameobjects.GoldCoins (6, 2, self.img_goldcoins, 25)
gold10 = gameobjects.GoldCoins (6, 2, self.img_goldcoins, 10)
- potion2 = gameobjects.HealthPotion (5, 2, self.img_redpotion)
- potion3 = gameobjects.HealthPotion (5, 2, self.img_redpotion)
+ bucket = gameobjects.Bucket (6, 3, self.img_bucket)
+ well1 = gameobjects.Well (4, 7)
+ well2 = gameobjects.Well (5, 7)
+ well3 = gameobjects.Well (4, 8)
+ well4 = gameobjects.Well (5, 8)
npc_bulisa = npcs.Bulisa (4, 3, self.img_bulisa, self.img_bulisa_portrait,
[ os.path.join ("dialogues", "bulisa1.dlg"),
os.path.join ("dialogues", "bulisa2.dlg"),
- os.path.join ("dialogues", "bulisa3.dlg") ] )
+ os.path.join ("dialogues", "bulisa3.dlg"),
+ os.path.join ("dialogues", "bulisa4.dlg") ] )
- chest1.objects = [ gold50, gold25, potion2, potion3, key2, gold10 ]
+ chest1.objects = [ gold50, gold25, key2, gold10 ]
# create the levels
- self.level1 = level.Level (cPickle.load (file ("levels/level1.dat")),
+ self.level1 = level.Level (cPickle.load (file (os.path.join ("levels", "level1.dat"))),
objects = [ chest1 ] )
- self.level1w = level.Level (cPickle.load (file ("levels/level1w.dat")))
+ self.level1w = level.Level (cPickle.load (file (os.path.join ("levels", "level1w.dat"))))
- self.level1e = level.Level (cPickle.load (file ("levels/level1e.dat")),
+ self.level1e = level.Level (cPickle.load (file (os.path.join ("levels", "level1e.dat"))),
objects = [ key1, potion, chest2 ], npcs = [ npc_bulisa ])
+ self.level1ee = level.Level (cPickle.load (file (os.path.join ("levels", "level1ee.dat"))),
+ objects = [ well1, well2, well3, well4 ])
+ self.level1n = level.Level (cPickle.load (file (os.path.join ("levels", "level1n.dat"))),
+ objects = [ bucket ])
# set up the interaction between levels
self.level1.levelright = self.level1e
self.level1.levelleft = self.level1w
self.level1e.levelleft = self.level1
+ self.level1e.levelright = self.level1ee
+ self.level1ee.levelleft = self.level1e
self.level1w.levelright = self.level1
+ self.level1.leveltop = self.level1n
+ self.level1n.levelbottom = self.level1
def main_loop (self):
# main game loop
def interact_npc_bulisa (self, npc):
# set initial response ID to none
resp_id = None
- print (gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well, gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well_complete)
# not yet started mission drawing water from well and not refused it
if (gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well is False
and gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well_refused is False):
# set the current dialog
npc.currentdialog = 2
resp_id = utility.dialogue_play (self.screen, self.img_dialogue, npc, self.img_butaba_portrait, 0, 90)
- # mission accepted but not completed
+ # mission accepted but not completed - check if completed and set value
+ # accordingly
elif (gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well is True
and gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well_complete is False):
- npc.currentdialog = 1
+ for invobj in self.butaba.objects:
+ if isinstance (invobj, gameobjects.Bucket) is True:
+ if invobj.liquid == "water":
+ gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well_complete = True
+ self.butaba.objects.remove (invobj)
+ break
+ # water mission is not completed yet
+ if gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well_complete is False:
+ npc.currentdialog = 1
+ else:
+ npc.currentdialog = 3
# get the response ID
resp_id = utility.dialogue_play (self.screen, self.img_dialogue, npc, self.img_butaba_portrait, 0, 90)
- print resp_id
# if response ID is 12, then drawing water from well mission is refused
if resp_id == "12" or resp_id == "18":
gamestate.mission_bulisa_water_from_well_refused = True
self.status_message = "You picked up %d gold." % obj.value
# remove the gold coins after adding it to Butaba's gold
container.objects.remove (obj)
+ # using a bucket means emptying it
+ elif isinstance (obj, gameobjects.Bucket) is True:
+ if obj.liquid is not None:
+ self.status_message = "You emptied the bucket of %s" % obj.liquid
+ obj.use (self.butaba)
+ else:
+ self.status_message = "Bucket is already empty."
+ # using a well
+ elif isinstance (obj, gameobjects.Well) is True:
+ # if the well is not dry, i.e. it has some liquid
+ if obj.liquid is not None:
+ # search butaba inventory for an empty bucket
+ for invobj in self.butaba.objects:
+ # bucket found, now check if it is empty
+ if isinstance (invobj, gameobjects.Bucket) is True:
+ # if empty fill it
+ if invobj.liquid is None:
+ obj.use (invobj)
+ self.status_message = "You successfully filled the %s with %s" % (invobj.text, obj.liquid)
+ if self.butaba.strength < constants.STRENGTHMAX_DRAW_WELL_WATER:
+ self.butaba.strength += 2
+ self.status_message += " and gained strength!"
+ return
+ self.status_message = "You have no empty bucket to draw %s with!" % obj.liquid
+ else:
+ self.status_message = "%s appears to be dry!" % obj.text
def move_butaba_left (self):
# clear any status messages