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Open an existing file &Save Save current file Ctrl+S Save &As... Save as a different file &HTML... Export as HTML document OpenDocument ODT... Export as an OpenOffice document E&xit &About Show program information &Export... Export the current document using templates to other formats addeducation clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_add_education() 430 212 730 144 deleteeducation clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_delete_education() 662 212 728 437 educationlist itemSelectionChanged() biacv_mainwindow on_select_education() 104 293 726 472 updateeducation clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_update_education() 583 212 728 218 educationlist activated(QModelIndex) biacv_mainwindow on_select_education() 104 293 729 329 currentemployment toggled(bool) biacv_mainwindow on_change_currentemployment() 332 156 728 246 addhistory clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_add_profession() 313 239 729 289 professionlist itemSelectionChanged() biacv_mainwindow on_select_profession() 103 320 727 379 professionlist activated(QModelIndex) biacv_mainwindow on_select_profession() 103 320 729 422 deletehistory clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_delete_profession() 600 239 729 187 updatehistory clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_update_profession() 457 239 726 323 addskill clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_add_skill() 211 255 730 127 deleteskill clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_delete_skill() 570 255 728 174 skillslist activated(QModelIndex) biacv_mainwindow on_select_skill() 103 338 730 279 skillslist itemSelectionChanged() biacv_mainwindow on_select_skill() 103 338 726 413 updateskill clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_update_skill() 390 255 728 360 addlanguage clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_add_lang() 551 155 729 88 deletelanguage clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_delete_lang() 716 155 733 52 languageslist activated(QModelIndex) biacv_mainwindow on_select_lang() 116 266 730 118 languageslist itemSelectionChanged() biacv_mainwindow on_select_lang() 116 266 730 314 updatelanguage clicked() biacv_mainwindow on_update_lang() 644 155 729 462 title textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 182 41 728 28 nametitle textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 132 144 3 470 firstname textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 267 145 29 475 lastname textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 479 142 1 452 dateofbirth dateChanged(QDate) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 243 197 538 23 street textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 231 275 196 23 countrycode_landline textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 433 275 88 24 telephone textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 721 275 165 -2 area textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 243 318 -1 50 countrycode_mobile textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 433 318 575 51 mobilenumber textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 721 318 0 89 city textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 154 361 -3 171 email textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 660 361 2 203 areacode textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 179 404 0 273 married toggled(bool) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 172 445 1 327 single toggled(bool) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 240 445 3 237 unspecified toggled(bool) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 343 445 -2 137 shorttermcareer textChanged() biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 103 178 0 120 longtermgoals textChanged() biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 98 374 2 443 additionalinformation textChanged() biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 102 410 1 377 action_New triggered() biacv_mainwindow on_file_new() -1 -1 364 248 action_Save triggered() biacv_mainwindow on_file_save() -1 -1 364 248 action_Open triggered() biacv_mainwindow on_file_open() -1 -1 364 248 actionSave_As triggered() biacv_mainwindow on_file_save_as() -1 -1 364 248 actionE_xit triggered() biacv_mainwindow on_exit() -1 -1 364 248 action_About triggered() biacv_mainwindow on_help_about() -1 -1 364 248 action_Export triggered() biacv_mainwindow on_file_export() -1 -1 364 248 country textChanged(QString) biacv_mainwindow on_document_modified() 527 393 457 -7 on_add_education() on_delete_education() on_select_education() on_update_education() on_change_currentemployment() on_add_profession() on_select_profession() on_delete_profession() on_update_profession() on_add_skill() on_delete_skill() on_select_skill() on_update_skill() on_add_lang() on_delete_lang() on_select_lang() on_update_lang() on_document_modified() on_file_new() on_file_save() on_file_open() on_file_save_as() on_exit() on_help_about() on_file_export()