MainWindow 0 0 633 458 BiaWeb - Static Website Content Manager Articles in category false QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable|QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable Categories 1 0 0 633 25 &Help &Settings &Content &File &Export web Open existing site... &Quit Quit Add &category... Add a new category to the website structure Edit categ&ory... Edit the selected category &Remove category Delete the selected category &Add article... Add an article to selected category &Edit article... Edit the selected article &Delete article... Delete the selected article Generate &Site... Export the site into a directory structure with static HTML files Generate Search &Index... Generate full or keyword text database and put it into the generated site structure &About View application information &New site... Create a new website database &Open site... Open an already existing site's database &Configuration... Modify the site configuration Templates... Modify or revert site templates samth asasas actionNew_site triggered() MainWindow onFileNew() -1 -1 316 228 action_Quit triggered() MainWindow onFileQuit() -1 -1 316 228 action_AddCategory triggered() MainWindow onCategoryAdd() -1 -1 316 228 onFileNew() onFileQuit() onCategoryAdd()