Website exporter in progress - completed home page
[biaweb_qt.git] /
1 # BiaWeb Website content manager (c) 2010 V.Harishankar
2 # Database handling functions
4 import sqlite3
5 import os
6 import os.path
7 import time
9 import biaweb_strings as bws
11 # function to get the template text for a particular template
12 def get_template_text (dbname, template_name):
13 try:
14 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
15 c = conn.cursor ()
16 c.execute ("SELECT template_content FROM templates WHERE template_name=?",
17 (template_name,))
18 conn.commit ()
19 row = c.fetchone ()
20 conn.close ()
21 return row[0]
22 except sqlite3.Error:
23 return False
25 # function to update the template
26 def update_template (dbname, template_name, template_str):
27 try:
28 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
29 c = conn.cursor ()
30 c.execute ("UPDATE templates SET template_content=? WHERE template_name=?",
31 (template_str, template_name))
32 conn.commit ()
33 conn.close ()
34 return True
35 except sqlite3.Error:
36 return False
38 # function to retrieve the templates from the database
39 def get_templates (dbname):
40 try:
41 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
42 c = conn.cursor ()
43 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM templates;")
44 conn.commit ()
45 rows = c.fetchall ()
46 conn.close ()
47 return rows
48 except sqlite3.Error:
49 return False
51 # function to get an article from the database
52 def get_article (dbname, artid):
53 try:
54 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
55 c = conn.cursor ()
56 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE aid=?;", (artid,))
57 conn.commit ()
58 row = c.fetchone ()
59 conn.close ()
60 return row
61 except sqlite3.Error:
62 return False
64 # function to create an article
65 def create_article (dbname, title, summary, keywords, content, catid, stub, rating):
66 # time of creation
67 creattime = time.time ()
68 modtime = creattime
69 try:
70 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
71 c = conn.cursor ()
72 c.execute ("INSERT INTO articles (title, summary, keywords, content, cdate, mdate, cid, stub, rating) \
73 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (title, summary, keywords, content, creattime,
74 modtime, catid, stub, rating))
75 conn.commit ()
76 conn.close ()
77 return True
78 except sqlite3.Error:
79 return False
81 # function to update an article
82 def update_article (dbname, aid, title, summary, keywords, content, catid, stub, rating):
83 # modification time only to be updated
84 modtime = time.time ()
85 try:
86 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
87 c = conn.cursor ()
88 c.execute ("UPDATE articles SET title=?, summary=?, keywords=?, content=?, mdate=?, cid=?, \
89 stub=?, rating=? WHERE aid=?;",
90 (title, summary, keywords, content, modtime, catid, stub, rating, aid))
91 conn.commit ()
92 conn.close ()
93 return True
94 except sqlite3.Error:
95 return False
97 # function to delete an article
98 def delete_article (dbname, artid):
99 try:
100 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
101 c = conn.cursor ()
102 c.execute ("DELETE FROM articles WHERE aid=?;", (artid,))
103 conn.commit ()
104 conn.close ()
105 return True
106 except sqlite3.Error:
107 return False
109 # function to get a category from the database
110 def get_category (dbname, catid):
111 try:
112 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
113 c = conn.cursor ()
114 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cid=?", (catid,))
115 conn.commit ()
116 cat = c.fetchone ()
117 conn.close ()
118 return cat
119 except sqlite3.Error:
120 return False
122 # function to update a category
123 def update_category (dbname, catid, cat_name, cat_desc, cat_stub):
124 try:
125 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
126 c = conn.cursor ()
127 c.execute ("UPDATE categories SET name=?, desc=?, stub=? WHERE cid=?;",
128 (cat_name, cat_desc, cat_stub, catid))
129 conn.commit ()
130 conn.close ()
131 return True
132 except sqlite3.Error:
133 return False
135 # function to remove a category
136 def remove_category (dbname, catid):
137 try:
138 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
139 c = conn.cursor ()
140 c.execute ("DELETE FROM categories WHERE cid=?;", (catid,))
141 c.execute ("DELETE FROM articles WHERE cid=?;", (catid,))
142 conn.commit ()
143 conn.close ()
144 return True
145 except sqlite3.Error:
146 return False
149 # function to create a category
150 def create_category (dbname, category_name, category_desc, category_stub):
151 try:
152 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
153 c = conn.cursor ()
154 c.execute ("INSERT INTO categories (name, desc, stub) VALUES (?, ?, ?);",
155 (category_name, category_desc, category_stub))
156 conn.commit ()
157 conn.close ()
158 return True
159 except sqlite3.Error:
160 return False
162 # function to set the configuration and update the database
163 def set_configuration (dbname, site_title, site_url, keywords, description, copyright,
164 num_rss, dest_path):
165 try:
166 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
167 c = conn.cursor ()
168 c.executemany ("UPDATE config SET config_param=? WHERE config_name=?;",
169 [[site_url, "Website URL"],
170 [site_title, "Website Title"],
171 [keywords, "Keywords"],
172 [description, "Description"],
173 [num_rss, "No. of RSS items"],
174 [dest_path, "Destination path"],
175 [copyright, "Copyright"]])
176 conn.commit ()
177 conn.close ()
178 return True
179 except sqlite3.Error:
180 return False
182 # function to get the existing site configuration and return it as a tuple
183 def get_configuration (dbname):
184 try:
185 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
186 c = conn.cursor ()
187 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM config;")
188 conn.commit ()
189 recs = c.fetchall ()
190 conn.close ()
191 for name, param in recs:
192 if name == "Website URL":
193 website_url = param
194 elif name == "Website Title":
195 website_title = param
196 elif name == "Keywords":
197 keywords = param
198 elif name == "Description":
199 description = param
200 elif name == "No. of RSS items":
201 num_rss = int (param)
202 elif name == "Destination path":
203 destination = param
204 elif name == "Copyright":
205 copyright = param
206 return (website_url, website_title, keywords, description, num_rss, destination, copyright)
207 except sqlite3.Error:
208 return False
210 # Function to get the latest articles (inner join with categories to get category stub)
211 def site_latest_articles (dbname, num_arts):
212 try:
213 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
214 c = conn.cursor ()
215 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles INNER JOIN categories ON articles.cid=categories.cid \
216 ORDER BY cdate DESC LIMIT ?;", (num_arts,))
217 conn.commit ()
218 rows = c.fetchall ()
219 conn.close ()
220 return rows
221 except sqlite3.Error:
222 return False
224 # Function to get the best rated articles (inner join with categories to get category stub)
225 def site_get_bestrated (dbname):
226 try:
227 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
228 c = conn.cursor ()
229 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles INNER JOIN categories ON articles.cid=categories.cid \
230 ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 5;")
231 conn.commit ()
232 rows = c.fetchall ()
233 conn.close ()
234 return rows
235 except sqlite3.Error:
236 return False
238 # Function to get list of articles (either full list or just in a category
239 def get_articles (dbname, category_id=None):
240 try:
241 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
242 c = conn.cursor ()
243 if category_id == None:
244 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles;")
245 else:
246 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE cid=?", (category_id,))
247 conn.commit ()
248 rows = c.fetchall ()
249 conn.close ()
250 return rows
251 except sqlite3.Error:
252 return False
254 # Function to get list of categories and return a (category_id, category_name) array
255 def get_categories (dbname):
256 try:
257 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
258 c = conn.cursor ()
259 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM categories;")
260 conn.commit ()
261 recs = c.fetchall ()
262 conn.close ()
263 return recs
264 except sqlite3.Error:
265 return False
267 # function to create a new site database
268 def create_db (dbname, site_title, site_url, keywords, description, copyright,
269 num_rss, dest_path):
270 try:
271 if os.path.exists (dbname):
272 os.remove (dbname)
273 except OSError:
274 return False
276 try:
277 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
278 c = conn.cursor ()
280 # create the tables
281 c.execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
282 categories (cid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \
283 name TEXT, desc TEXT, \
284 stub TEXT);")
285 c.execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
286 articles (aid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \
287 title TEXT, summary TEXT, keywords TEXT, \
288 content TEXT, cdate NUMERIC, mdate NUMERIC, cid NUMERIC, \
289 stub TEXT, rating NUMERIC);")
290 c.execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
291 config (config_name TEXT, config_param TEXT);")
293 c.execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
294 templates (template_name TEXT, template_content);")
296 # insert the templates into the newly created database
297 c.executemany ("INSERT INTO templates (template_name, template_content) VALUES (?, ?);",
298 [["main_template", bws.template_main],
299 ["article_bit", bws.template_article_bit],
300 ["news_bit", bws.template_news_item_bit],
301 ["table_bit", bws.template_table_bit],
302 ["tablerow_bit", bws.template_tablerow_bit],
303 ["stylesheet", bws.template_style],
304 ["index_bit", bws.template_index_bit]])
306 # inser the configuration
307 c.executemany ("INSERT INTO config (config_name, config_param) VALUES (?, ?); ",
308 [["Website URL", site_url],
309 ["Website Title", site_title],
310 ["Keywords", keywords],
311 ["Description", description],
312 ["No. of RSS items", num_rss],
313 ["Destination path", dest_path],
314 ["Copyright", copyright]])
316 conn.commit ()
317 conn.close ()
318 return True
319 except sqlite3.Error:
320 return False