Hari's Corner

Humour, comics, tech, law, software, reviews, essays, articles and HOWTOs intermingled with random philosophy now and then

Storm in a teacup

Filed under: Humour and Nonsense by Hari
Posted on Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 08:39 IST (last updated: Wed, Sep 26, 2007 @ 18:01 IST)

Here's how you can have your very own storm in a teacup.
  1. Prepare a cup of tea. Wikipedia lists some of the common methods of preparing tea all over the world. Make any kind of tea you prefer.
  2. Pour the tea out into a cup. Keep the cup preferably 3/4ths full.
  3. Now start stirring the tea very, very fast in one direction. Use a stirrer or a spoon.
  4. After acheiving a mini-whirlpool, start stirring the tea in the opposite direction very fast.
  5. Now get some spit into your mouth and hold your head above the teacup. Start spraying into the teacup by using as much force as possible. Alternatively you can use some other sprinkling device.
  6. Repeat the above steps for as long as you want the storm to continue.
  7. Finally pour the tea out or drink it. The choice is yours.

There you have it! Your very own storm in a teacup! :P

3 comment(s)

  1. LOLHari, that is very creative of you! :D

    Comment by J_K9 (visitor) on Tue, Aug 22, 2006 @ 21:20 IST #
  2. Thanks, J_K9. I sometimes get a bit naughty like this. :P

    Comment by hari (blog owner) on Tue, Aug 22, 2006 @ 21:24 IST #
  3. Hehe!The next thing we'll see is how to paint your walls brown using everyday materials... Lol :P

    Comment by J_K9 (visitor) on Tue, Aug 22, 2006 @ 23:55 IST #

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