[row][col+i].char = word[i].upper ()[row][col+i].occupied_across = True
- # display the grid with words
- def print_grid (self, no_words=False):
- # get row, col and print them (with grid number if set)
- for col in range (self.cols):
- # print the first row as column headers
- print self.BLUE + ' ' + str (col) + self.ENDCOL,
- print
- for row in range (self.rows):
- for col in range (self.cols):
- # print the data
- # if the cell is numbered i.e. start of a word
- if[row][col].numbered != 0:
- print self.BRICKRED + str([row][col].numbered) + self.ENDCOL,
- # print a space
- else:
- print ' ',
- # if the character is not a blank or a block
- if[row][col].char <> "." and[row][col].char <> "#":
- # if words are to be shown regardless of hidden/revealed state
- if no_words is False:
- print self.BOLD +[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL,
- else:
- # display only revealed
- if[row][col].revealed is True:
- print self.BOLD +[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL,
- # else print a block
- else:
- print self.GREY + '.' + self.ENDCOL,
- else:
- print self.GREY +[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL,
- print ' ' + self.BLUE + str(row) + self.ENDCOL
# freeze the grid numbers etc.
def freeze_grid (self):
# numbering
self.frozen_grid = True
+ # unfreeze the grid numbers etc.
+ def unfreeze_grid (self):
+ # run through the grid
+ for row in range (self.rows):
+ for col in range (self.cols):
+[row][col].numbered = 0
+ if ([row][col].occupied_across is False and
+[row][col].occupied_down is False):
+[row][col].char = '.'
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3
# Cross puzzle creator class
+import sys
import crosswordpuzzle
BLUE = '\033[34m'
# grey
GREY = '\033[30m'
+ # Black background white text
+ BLACK_BG = '\033[40;1;37m'
+ # white background black text
+ WHITE_BG = '\033[47;0;30m'
+ # white background red text
+ REDWHITE_BG = '\033[47;0;31m'
# disable colors
ENDCOL = '\033[0m'
# get row, col and print them (with grid number if set)
for col in range (self.puzzle.cols):
# print the first row as column headers
- print self.BLUE + ' ' + str (col) + self.ENDCOL,
- print
+ sys.stdout.write (self.BLUE + ' %02d' % col + self.ENDCOL)
+ sys.stdout.write ("\n")
for row in range (self.puzzle.rows):
for col in range (self.puzzle.cols):
# print the data
# if the cell is numbered i.e. start of a word
if[row][col].numbered != 0:
- print self.BRICKRED + str([row][col].numbered) + self.ENDCOL,
- # print a space
+ sys.stdout.write (self.REDWHITE_BG +
+ '%02d ' %[row][col].numbered + self.ENDCOL)
+ # print spaces
- print ' ',
+ if[row][col].char == "#":
+ sys.stdout.write (self.BLACK_BG + ' ' + self.ENDCOL)
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write (self.WHITE_BG + ' ' + self.ENDCOL)
# if the character is not a blank or a block
- if[row][col].char <> "." and[row][col].char <> "#":
+ if ([row][col].char <> "." and
+[row][col].char <> "#"):
# if words are to be shown regardless of hidden/revealed state
if no_words is False:
- print self.BOLD +[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL,
+ sys.stdout.write (self.WHITE_BG +
+[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL)
# display only revealed
if[row][col].revealed is True:
- print self.BOLD +[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL,
- # else print a block
+ sys.stdout.write (self.WHITE_BG +
+[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL)
+ # else print a blank
- print self.GREY + '.' + self.ENDCOL,
- else:
- print self.GREY +[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL,
+ sys.stdout.write (self.WHITE_BG + '.' + self.ENDCOL)
+ elif[row][col].char == '.':
+ sys.stdout.write (self.WHITE_BG +
+[row][col].char + self.ENDCOL)
+ elif[row][col].char == '#':
+ sys.stdout.write (self.BLACK_BG + " " + self.ENDCOL)
+ sys.stdout.write (' ' + self.BLUE + "%2d" % row + self.ENDCOL + "\n")
+ raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "Press <return> to continue" + self.ENDCOL)
+ # add a word to the puzzle
+ def add_word (self, across=True):
+ # first display the grid
+ self.print_puzzle ()
+ # get the row and column
+ srow = raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "Start row: " + self.ENDCOL)
+ scol = raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "Start col: " + self.ENDCOL)
+ # try converting it to number
+ try:
+ row = int (srow)
+ col = int (scol)
+ except ValueError:
+ sys.stderr.write ("Invalid row or column\n")
+ return
+ # get the word
+ word = raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "Word: " + self.ENDCOL)
- print ' ' + self.BLUE + str(row) + self.ENDCOL
- raw_input (self.GREY + "Press <return> to continue" + self.ENDCOL)
+ # try to add the word to the puzzle grid
+ try:
+ if across == True:
+ self.puzzle.set_word_across (row, col, word)
+ else:
+ self.puzzle.set_word_down (row, col, word)
+ except crosswordpuzzle.TooLongWordException:
+ sys.stderr.write ("Word is too long to fit in the grid! Aborting.\n")
+ except crosswordpuzzle.IntersectWordException:
+ sys.stderr.write ("Word intersects badly with another word!\n")
+ except crosswordpuzzle.FrozenGridException:
+ sys.stderr.write ("Word cannot be added to a frozen puzzle.\n")
# Puzzle loop
def do_puzzle_loop (self):
# there is a current file
while True:
if self.current_file and self.puzzle:
- print self.BOLD + "-----------------------------------"
- print "Puzzle: " + self.current_file
- print "-----------------------------------" + self.ENDCOL
- print self.BLUE + "1. Display grid"
- print "2. Add across word"
- print "3. Add down word"
- print "4. Freeze grid"
- print "5. Unfreeze grid"
- print "6. Save puzzle"
- print "X. Exit to main menu" + self.ENDCOL
+ sys.stdout.write (self.BOLD + "\n-----------------------------------\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("Puzzle: " + self.current_file + "\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("-----------------------------------" + self.ENDCOL + "\n")
+ sys.stdout.write (self.BLUE + "1. Display grid\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("2. Add across word\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("3. Add down word\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("4. Remove across word\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("5. Remove down word\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("6. Freeze grid\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("7. Unfreeze grid\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("8. Set a clue\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("9. Remove clue\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("S. Save puzzle\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("X. Exit to main menu\n" + self.ENDCOL)
ch = raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "Your choice: " + self.ENDCOL)
if ch == "1":
self.print_puzzle ()
+ elif ch == "2":
+ self.add_word ()
+ elif ch == "3":
+ self.add_word (False)
+ elif ch == "6":
+ self.puzzle.freeze_grid ()
+ elif ch == "7":
+ self.puzzle.unfreeze_grid ()
elif ch == "X" or ch == "x":
# when user chooses new puzzle
def on_new_puzzle (self):
- self.current_file = raw_input ("New puzzle file name: ")
- srows = raw_input ("Number of rows: ")
- scols = raw_input ("Number of cols: ")
+ self.current_file = raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "New puzzle file name: "
+ + self.ENDCOL)
+ srows = raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "Number of rows: " + self.ENDCOL)
+ scols = raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "Number of cols: " + self.ENDCOL)
rows = int (srows)
cols = int (scols)
except ValueError:
- print "Invalid number of rows/columns"
+ sys.stderr.write ("Invalid number of rows/columns")
self.puzzle = crosswordpuzzle.CrosswordPuzzle (rows, cols)
self.do_puzzle_loop ()
def do_main_loop (self):
# display the menu
while True:
- print
- print self.BOLD + "-----------------------------------"
- print "Get A Clue - Crossword Puzzle Maker"
- print "-----------------------------------" + self.ENDCOL
- print self.BLUE + "1. Start a new puzzle"
- print "2. Open an existing puzzle"
- print "X. Exit" + self.ENDCOL
+ sys.stdout.write (self.BOLD + "\n-----------------------------------\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("Get A Clue - Crossword Puzzle Maker\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("-----------------------------------\n" + self.ENDCOL)
+ sys.stdout.write (self.BLUE + "1. Start a new puzzle\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("2. Open an existing puzzle\n")
+ sys.stdout.write ("X. Exit\n" + self.ENDCOL)
ch = raw_input (self.BRICKRED + "Your choice: " + self.ENDCOL)
if ch == '1':
self.on_new_puzzle ()