[biacv.git] / biacv_mainwindow.py
1 # class for main window
3 import PyQt4
4 import biacv_mainwindow_ui as bui
6 class Biacv_mainwindow (PyQt4.QtGui.QMainWindow, bui.Ui_biacv_mainwindow):
7 def __init__ (self):
8 PyQt4.QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__ (self)
9 self.setupUi (self)
10 self.currentfile = None
12 # add skill set button is clicked
13 def on_add_skill (self):
14 # if the skill title is blank
15 if self.skillsettitle.text () == "":
16 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot add", "A required field is missing.")
17 return
18 skillitem = PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem (
19 [
20 self.skillsettitle.text (),
21 self.skilldescription.toPlainText ()
22 ]
23 )
24 self.skillslist.addTopLevelItem (skillitem)
25 self.reset_skillset_fields ()
27 # clear the skill set fields
28 def reset_skillset_fields (self):
29 self.skillsetitle.setText ("")
30 self.skilldescription.setPlainText ("")
32 # update professional history button is clicked
33 def on_update_profession (self):
34 # get the selected item
35 selitems = self.professionlist.selectedItems ()
36 if selitems == []:
37 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot update", "No item selected.")
38 return
39 selitem = selitems[0]
40 # if designation is not set
41 if self.designation.text () == "":
42 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot update", "A required field is missing.")
43 return
44 # if currently employed in that position, leaving date is to be disabled
45 # and set to "current"
46 if self.currentemployment.isChecked ():
47 leavedatestr = "current"
48 else:
49 # if the leaving date is < join date
50 if self.leavedate.date () < self.joindate.date ():
51 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot add",
52 "Leaving date cannot be earlier than join date.")
53 return
54 leavedatestr = self.leavedate.date ().toString ("dd MMM, yyyy")
56 selitem.setText (0, self.designation.text ())
57 selitem.setText (1, self.joindate.date ().toString ("dd MMM, yyyy"))
58 selitem.setText (2, leavedatestr)
59 selitem.setText (3, self.organization.text ())
60 selitem.setText (4, self.additionalinfo.text ())
62 # delete professional history button is clicked
63 def on_delete_profession (self):
64 # get the selected items
65 selitems = self.professionlist.selectedItems ()
66 if selitems == []:
67 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot delete", "No item selected.")
68 return
69 # confirm deletion
70 ans = PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.question (self, "Confirm",
71 "Are you sure you wish to delete the selected item?",
72 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
73 # if confirmed
74 if ans == PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
75 for item in selitems:
76 self.professionlist.takeTopLevelItem (self.professionlist.indexOfTopLevelItem (item))
77 self.reset_profession_fields ()
79 # add professional history button is clicked
80 def on_add_profession (self):
81 if self.designation.text () == "":
82 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot add", "A required field is missing.")
83 return
84 # if currently employed in that position, leaving date is to be disabled
85 # and set to "current"
86 if self.currentemployment.isChecked ():
87 leavedatestr = "current"
88 else:
89 # if the leaving date is < join date
90 if self.leavedate.date () < self.joindate.date ():
91 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot add",
92 "Leaving date cannot be earlier than join date.")
93 return
94 leavedatestr = self.leavedate.date ().toString ("dd MMM, yyyy")
96 professionitem = PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem (
97 [
98 self.designation.text (),
99 self.joindate.date ().toString ("dd MMM, yyyy"),
100 leavedatestr,
101 self.organization.text (),
102 self.additionalinfo.text ()
103 ]
104 )
106 self.professionlist.addTopLevelItem (professionitem)
108 self.reset_profession_fields ()
110 # when selection of profession list is changed
111 def on_select_profession (self):
112 self.set_profession_fields ()
114 # set the profession fields from the selected item in profession list
115 def set_profession_fields (self):
116 selitems = self.professionlist.selectedItems ()
117 if selitems == []:
118 return
119 selitem = selitems[0]
120 self.designation.setText (selitem.text (0))
121 self.joindate.setDate (PyQt4.QtCore.QDate.fromString (selitem.text(1), "dd MMM, yyyy"))
122 if selitem.text (2) == "current":
123 self.leavedate.setEnabled (False)
124 self.currentemployment.setChecked (True)
125 else:
126 self.leavedate.setDate (PyQt4.QtCore.QDate.fromString (selitem.text (2), "dd MMM, yyyy"))
127 self.leavedate.setEnabled (True)
128 self.currentemployment.setChecked (False)
130 self.organization.setText (selitem.text (3))
131 self.additionalinfo.setText (selitem.text (4))
133 def reset_profession_fields (self):
134 self.designation.setText ("")
135 self.joindate.setDate (PyQt4.QtCore.QDate (2000, 1, 1))
136 self.leavedate.setDate (PyQt4.QtCore.QDate (2003, 1, 1))
137 self.currentemployment.setChecked (False)
138 self.organization.setText ("")
139 self.additionalinfo.setText ("")
141 # current employment check box is changed
142 def on_change_currentemployment (self, val):
143 if val == True:
144 self.leavedate.setEnabled (False)
145 else:
146 self.leavedate.setEnabled (True)
148 # delete educational qualification
149 def on_delete_education (self):
150 # get the selected items in the education list
151 selitems = self.educationlist.selectedItems ()
152 # if no items are selected
153 if selitems == []:
154 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot delete", "No items selected.")
155 # delete the items after confirmation
156 else:
157 ans = PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.question (self, "Confirm",
158 "Are you sure you wish to delete selected item?",
159 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
160 if ans == PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
161 # remove the item selected
162 for item in selitems:
163 self.educationlist.takeTopLevelItem (self.educationlist.indexOfTopLevelItem (item))
164 self.reset_education_fields ()
166 # selection is changed
167 def on_select_education (self):
168 self.set_education_fields ()
170 # update educational qualification button
171 def on_update_education (self):
172 selitems = self.educationlist.selectedItems ()
173 # if no item is selected
174 if selitems == []:
175 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot update", "No item selected")
176 return
177 # if the qualification title is not set
178 if self.degree_name.text () == "":
179 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot update", "A required field is missing.")
180 return
181 selitem = selitems[0]
183 selitem.setText (0, self.degree_name.text ())
184 selitem.setText (1, self.yearofpassing.date ().toString ("MMM, yyyy"))
185 selitem.setText (2, self.institution.text ())
186 selitem.setText (3, self.university.text ())
187 selitem.setText (4, self.grade.text ())
188 selitem.setText (5, str (self.percentage.value ()))
190 # add educational qualification button
191 def on_add_education (self):
192 # check if the qualification title is set
193 if self.degree_name.text () == "":
194 PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (self, "Cannot add", "A required fields is missing.")
195 return
196 educationitem = PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem ([
197 self.degree_name.text (),
198 self.yearofpassing.date ().toString ("MMM, yyyy"),
199 self.institution.text (),
200 self.university.text (),
201 self.grade.text (),
202 str (self.percentage.value ())
203 ])
204 self.educationlist.addTopLevelItem (educationitem)
205 # clear the fields
206 self.reset_education_fields ()
208 # set fields in the education tab from current selected item
209 def set_education_fields (self):
210 selitems = self.educationlist.selectedItems ()
211 if selitems == []:
212 return
213 selitem = selitems[0]
214 # set the fields to the data in the selected item in the list
215 self.degree_name.setText (selitem.text (0))
216 self.yearofpassing.setDate (PyQt4.QtCore.QDate.fromString (selitem.text(1), "MMM, yyyy"))
217 self.institution.setText (selitem.text (2))
218 self.university.setText (selitem.text (3))
219 self.grade.setText (selitem.text(4))
220 self.percentage.setValue (self.percentage.valueFromText (selitem.text(5)))
222 # reset fields in the education tab
223 def reset_education_fields (self):
224 self.degree_name.setText ("")
225 self.yearofpassing.setDate (PyQt4.QtCore.QDate (1988, 1, 1))
226 self.institution.setText ("")
227 self.university.setText ("")
228 self.grade.setText ("")
229 self.percentage.setValue (50.0)