Hari's Software

A small collection of my apps and scripts




dvd2mp4rip is a simple, menu-driven, interactive command-line DVD ripping and video encoding utility using MEncoder (to access and rip from DVD titles/chapters) and FFmpeg (to remux the MP4 file, as the MEncoder MP4 muxing is broken currently). Ripping can be by specifying titles/chapters on a DVD or files directly.

The output file is in MP4 format with video encoded in FFmpeg MPEG4 codec and audio encoded in AAC using libfaac.


Download & Installation

Download TAR.GZ archive: dvd2mp4rip.tar.gz (20 kB)

No installation is required. Simply extract the archive and run the dvd2mp4rip script from the command line as

python dvd2mp4rip

For usage notes, refer to the README file.