Hari's Corner

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Want a simple PHP based photo album with commenting

Filed under: Software and Technology by Hari
Posted on Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 17:14 IST (last updated: Wed, Jul 21, 2010 @ 17:15 IST)

I am looking for a simple PHP based photo album tool to display a gallery on this website, but I am surprised to find that the majority of PHP based albums are huge and bloated (gallery 2 is the biggest monster I've found so far).

I don't want multiple users, I don't want unlimited depth of categories - I just want to create a simple set of albums of photos and display them in a neat way.

And oh, it should be easily themeable. So far I've found only tools that are either upwards of 5 MB and come with severe bloat in terms of features or those which are so lightweight that they don't even have a commenting system.

If nothing else, I might be tempted to brush up my PHP skills again and write my own. (or should I use Python?)

3 comment(s)

  1. Make your own. Seriously. I've searched through quite a few scripts for photo albums and all of them suck. The only one non-super-suckkish I find is http://www.celerondude.com/php-simple-gallery but it doesn't support comments. Either make your own for your own site, or use a completely external provider like Flickr, Picasa, or the such. (Or, if these photos are part of a learning project, why don't you give WIPUP.org a try?) :D

    Comment by Dion Moult (visitor) on Wed, Jul 21, 2010 @ 18:49 IST #
  2. Make your own. Seriously. I've searched through quite a few scripts for photo albums and all of them suck. The only one non-super-suckkish I find is http://www.celerondude.com/php-simple-gallery but it doesn't support comments. Either make your own for your own site, or use a completely external provider like Flickr, Picasa, or the such. (Or, if these photos are part of a learning project, why don't you give WIPUP.org a try?)

    No not part of a learning project. I looked at all options so far, and most PHP scripts have sucked as you say. If they are good enough, they lack commenting/rating which I want. But those with commenting/rating are so heavyweight that it would raise my hosting costs considerably (I use a host who charges by usage).

    So yes, I am probably going to code it myself. However, having already coded this blog some time back, I am a bit bored doing something so similar with just features extra for image meta-data and thumbnailing and so on. I am also not in my best "coding" mood these days and feel distracted too much by other stuff.

    Comment by Hari (blog owner) on Wed, Jul 21, 2010 @ 19:04 IST #
  3. the best way is to learn basic php mysql environment and go for open source photo galleries available over internet. two of them which i know according to popularity and usage are : 4images and coppermine gallery

    Comment by buzzparas (visitor) on Tue, May 24, 2011 @ 18:58 IST #

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