Article editing fully implemented
[biaweb_qt.git] /
1 # BiaWeb Website content manager (c) 2010 V.Harishankar
2 # Database handling functions
4 import sqlite3
5 import os
6 import os.path
7 import time
9 # function to get an article from the database
10 def get_article (dbname, artid):
11 try:
12 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
13 c = conn.cursor ()
14 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE aid=?;", (artid,))
15 conn.commit ()
16 row = c.fetchone ()
17 conn.close ()
18 return row
19 except sqlite3.Error:
20 return False
22 # function to create an article
23 def create_article (dbname, title, summary, keywords, content, catid, stub, rating):
24 # time of creation
25 creattime = time.time ()
26 modtime = creattime
27 try:
28 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
29 c = conn.cursor ()
30 c.execute ("INSERT INTO articles (title, summary, keywords, content, cdate, mdate, cid, stub, rating) \
31 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (title, summary, keywords, content, creattime,
32 modtime, catid, stub, rating))
33 conn.commit ()
34 conn.close ()
35 return True
36 except sqlite3.Error:
37 return False
39 # function to update an article
40 def update_article (dbname, aid, title, summary, keywords, content, catid, stub, rating):
41 # modification time only to be updated
42 modtime = time.time ()
43 try:
44 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
45 c = conn.cursor ()
46 c.execute ("UPDATE articles SET title=?, summary=?, keywords=?, content=?, mdate=?, cid=?, \
47 stub=?, rating=? WHERE aid=?;",
48 (title, summary, keywords, content, modtime, catid, stub, rating, aid))
49 conn.commit ()
50 conn.close ()
51 return True
52 except sqlite3.Error:
53 return False
55 # function to delete an article
56 def delete_article (dbname, artid):
57 try:
58 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
59 c = conn.cursor ()
60 c.execute ("DELETE FROM articles WHERE aid=?;", (artid,))
61 conn.commit ()
62 conn.close ()
63 return True
64 except sqlite3.Error:
65 return False
67 # function to get a category from the database
68 def get_category (dbname, catid):
69 try:
70 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
71 c = conn.cursor ()
72 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cid=?", (catid,))
73 conn.commit ()
74 cat = c.fetchone ()
75 conn.close ()
76 return cat
77 except sqlite3.Error:
78 return False
80 # function to update a category
81 def update_category (dbname, catid, cat_name, cat_desc, cat_stub):
82 try:
83 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
84 c = conn.cursor ()
85 c.execute ("UPDATE categories SET name=?, desc=?, stub=? WHERE cid=?;",
86 (cat_name, cat_desc, cat_stub, catid))
87 conn.commit ()
88 conn.close ()
89 return True
90 except sqlite3.Error:
91 return False
93 # function to remove a category
94 def remove_category (dbname, catid):
95 try:
96 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
97 c = conn.cursor ()
98 c.execute ("DELETE FROM categories WHERE cid=?;", (catid,))
99 c.execute ("DELETE FROM articles WHERE cid=?;", (catid,))
100 conn.commit ()
101 conn.close ()
102 return True
103 except sqlite3.Error:
104 return False
107 # function to create a category
108 def create_category (dbname, category_name, category_desc, category_stub):
109 try:
110 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
111 c = conn.cursor ()
112 c.execute ("INSERT INTO categories (name, desc, stub) VALUES (?, ?, ?);",
113 (category_name, category_desc, category_stub))
114 conn.commit ()
115 conn.close ()
116 return True
117 except sqlite3.Error:
118 return False
120 # function to set the configuration and update the database
121 def set_configuration (dbname, site_title, site_url, keywords, description, copyright,
122 num_rss, dest_path):
123 try:
124 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
125 c = conn.cursor ()
126 c.executemany ("UPDATE config SET config_param=? WHERE config_name=?;",
127 [[site_url, "Website URL"],
128 [site_title, "Website Title"],
129 [keywords, "Keywords"],
130 [description, "Description"],
131 [num_rss, "No. of RSS items"],
132 [dest_path, "Destination path"],
133 [copyright, "Copyright"]])
134 conn.commit ()
135 conn.close ()
136 return True
137 except sqlite3.Error:
138 return False
140 # function to get the existing site configuration and return it as a tuple
141 def get_configuration (dbname):
142 try:
143 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
144 c = conn.cursor ()
145 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM config;")
146 conn.commit ()
147 recs = c.fetchall ()
148 conn.close ()
149 for name, param in recs:
150 if name == "Website URL":
151 website_url = param
152 elif name == "Website Title":
153 website_title = param
154 elif name == "Keywords":
155 keywords = param
156 elif name == "Description":
157 description = param
158 elif name == "No. of RSS items":
159 num_rss = int (param)
160 elif name == "Destination path":
161 destination = param
162 elif name == "Copyright":
163 copyright = param
164 return (website_url, website_title, keywords, description, num_rss, destination, copyright)
165 except sqlite3.Error:
166 return False
168 # Function to get list of articles (either full list or just in a category
169 def get_articles (dbname, category_id=None):
170 try:
171 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
172 c = conn.cursor ()
173 if category_id == None:
174 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles;")
175 else:
176 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE cid=?", (category_id,))
177 conn.commit ()
178 rows = c.fetchall ()
179 conn.close ()
180 return rows
181 except sqlite3.Error:
182 return False
184 # Function to get list of categories and return a (category_id, category_name) array
185 def get_categories (dbname):
186 try:
187 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
188 c = conn.cursor ()
189 c.execute ("SELECT * FROM categories;")
190 conn.commit ()
191 recs = c.fetchall ()
192 conn.close ()
193 return recs
194 except sqlite3.Error:
195 return False
197 # function to create a new site database
198 def create_db (dbname, site_title, site_url, keywords, description, copyright,
199 num_rss, dest_path):
200 try:
201 if os.path.exists (dbname):
202 os.remove (dbname)
203 except OSError:
204 return False
206 try:
207 conn = sqlite3.connect (dbname)
208 c = conn.cursor ()
209 c.execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
210 categories (cid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \
211 name TEXT, desc TEXT, \
212 stub TEXT);")
213 c.execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
214 articles (aid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \
215 title TEXT, summary TEXT, keywords TEXT, \
216 content TEXT, cdate NUMERIC, mdate NUMERIC, cid NUMERIC, \
217 stub TEXT, rating NUMERIC);")
218 c.execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
219 config (config_name TEXT, config_param TEXT);")
221 c.execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
222 templates (template_name TEXT, template_content);")
224 template_main = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
225 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
226 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
227 <head>
228 <title>${site_title}</title>
229 <base href="${site_url}" />
230 <meta name="generator" content="BiaWeb"/>
231 <meta name="keywords" content="${meta_keywords}"/>
232 <meta name="description" content="${meta_description}"/>
233 <link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
234 <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Entries RSS 2.0" href="subscribe.xml" />
235 </head>
236 <body>
237 <div id="head">
238 <h1><a href="${site_url}">${page_title}</a></h1>
239 <div class="headerdesc">${page_desc}</div>
240 </div>
241 <div id="main">
242 ${contents_bit}
243 </div>
244 <div id="sidebar">
245 <h2>Categories</h2>
246 ${list_of_categories}
247 <h2>Best rated</h2>
248 ${list_best_rated}
249 <h2>Subscribe</h2>
250 <a href="subscribe.xml">Latest articles (RSS)</a>
251 <h2>Search</h2>
252 <form action="cgi-bin/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
253 <p><input type="text" name="query" maxlength="255" style="width:142px;border: 1px inset #5A5A5A; color:#5A5A5A; background-color:#FFFFFF;" value="" /><br />
254 <input type="submit" value="Search" /><br />
255 <input type="hidden" name="fromsearch" value="fromsearch" />
256 <input type="radio" name="criteria" value="1" checked="checked" />All words<br />
257 <input type="radio" name="criteria" value="2" />Any word</p>
258 </form>
259 </div>
260 <div id="footer">${copyright}<br />Site generated by
261 <a href=\"\">BiaWeb</a> created by V. Harishankar</div>
262 </body>
263 </html>"""
265 template_article_bit = """<h2>${article_title}</h2>
266 <div class="modified">Created: ${article_cdate} | Last modified: ${article_mdate}</div>
267 <div class="rating">Rating: ${rating}</div>
268 <div class="content">${article_contents}</div>
269 """
271 template_news_item_bit = """<h3><a href="${news_link}">${news_title}</a></h3>
272 <div class="modified">${news_datetime}</div>
273 <div class="content">${news_description}</div>
274 """
276 template_index_bit = """<h2>Welcome to ${site_name}</h2>
277 <div class="content">
278 Welcome to my site, ${site_name}.
279 </div>
280 <h2>Latest Articles</h2>
281 ${news_updates}
282 """
284 template_table_bit = """<h2>${category_title}</h2>
285 <p>${category_desc}</p>
286 <table class="categorytable">
287 <thead>
288 <tr>
289 <td style="width:50%">Title</td>
290 <td>Created on</td>
291 <td>Rated</td>
292 </tr>
293 </thead>
294 <tbody>
295 ${table_rows}
296 </tbody>
297 </table>
298 """
300 template_tablerow_bit = """<tr>
301 <td style="width:50%"><a href="${article_url}">${title}</a></td>
302 <td>${created}</td>
303 <td>${rating}</td>
304 </tr>
305 """
307 template_style = """body {
308 font-family: "Bitstream Vera Sans", Verdana, Arial, Sans Serif;
309 font-size: 0.9em;
310 background-color: #ffffff;
311 color: #000000;
312 margin: auto
313 }
314 #head {
315 width: 98%;
316 background-color: #efefef;
317 padding: 1%;
318 text-align: center;
319 }
321 #main {
322 width: 73%;
323 padding: 1%;
324 float: left;
325 }
327 #sidebar {
328 width: 23%;
329 padding: 1%;
330 float: right;
331 }
333 #footer {
334 width: 100%;
335 padding-top: 5px;
336 padding-bottom: 5px;
337 font-size: 0.9em;
338 text-align: center;
339 float: left;
340 background-color: #efefef;
341 }
343 .headerdesc {
344 font-variant: small-caps;
345 font-size: 1.1em;
346 }
348 .content {
349 text-align: justify;
350 line-height: 1.1em;
351 }
353 .categorytable {
354 width: 100%;
355 }
357 .categorytable thead {
358 font-weight: bold;
359 }
361 .modified {
362 font-size: 0.8em;
363 color: #666666;
364 }
366 .rating {
367 font-size: 0.8em;
368 color: #666666;
369 }
371 h1, h2, h3 {
372 font-family: "Bitstream Vera Serif", Serif;
373 padding: 0;
374 margin: 0;
375 margin-top: 5px;
376 margin-bottom: 5px;
377 }
379 hr {
380 border: 0;
381 border-bottom: 1px solid;
382 border-color: #888888;
383 }
385 h1 {
386 font-size: 2.4em;
387 color: #000099;
389 }
390 h1 a, h1 a:hover, h1 a:visited, h2 a:active {
391 text-decoration: none;
392 }
393 h2 {
394 font-size: 1.4em;
395 background-color: #efefef;
396 }
397 h2 a, h2 a:hover, h2 a:visited, h2 a:active {
398 text-decoration: none;
399 }
400 h3 {
401 font-size: 1.2em;
402 a {
403 color: #0000dd;
404 }
405 a:visited {
406 color: #0000aa;
407 }
408 a:active, a:hover {
409 color: #0000ff;
410 }"""
412 c.executemany ("INSERT INTO templates (template_name, template_content) VALUES (?, ?);",
413 [["main_template", template_main],
414 ["article_bit", template_article_bit],
415 ["news_bit", template_news_item_bit],
416 ["table_bit", template_table_bit],
417 ["tablerow_bit", template_tablerow_bit],
418 ["stylesheet", template_style],
419 ["index_bit", template_index_bit]])
421 c.executemany ("INSERT INTO config (config_name, config_param) VALUES (?, ?); ",
422 [["Website URL", site_url],
423 ["Website Title", site_title],
424 ["Keywords", keywords],
425 ["Description", description],
426 ["No. of RSS items", num_rss],
427 ["Destination path", dest_path],
428 ["Copyright", copyright]])
430 conn.commit ()
431 conn.close ()
432 return True
433 except sqlite3.Error:
434 return False