Implemented GZIP functionality for the data file
[wordblah.git] / constantstrings.h
4 #define FROZEN_GRID "Grid is frozen. Unfreeze grid first!"
5 #define UNFROZEN_GRID "Grid is unfrozen. Freeze grid first!"
6 #define EXCEED_GRID_SIZE "Row/col exceeded grid size!"
7 #define INPUT_ROW "Enter the row: "
8 #define INPUT_COL "Enter the col: "
9 #define INPUT_INDEX "Enter the word index: "
10 #define INPUT_CLUE "Enter the clue: "
11 #define WORD_TOO_LONG "Word too long"
12 #define INPUT_WORD "Enter the word: "
13 #define INPUT_FILE "Enter the file name: "
14 #define PUZZLE_MENU_TITLE "Edit Puzzle"
15 #define MAIN_MENU_TITLE "Main Menu"
16 #define INPUT_GRID_SIZE "Number of rows/columns: "
17 #define INPUT_PASSWORD "Enter the password: "
18 #define INPUT_EXPORT_ANSWERS "Export as solution (y/N): "
19 #define INPUT_CHOICE "Your Choice: "
20 #define EXCEED_MAX_GRID_SIZE "Exceeds max puzzle size"
21 #define ERROR_WRITING_FILE "Error writing file"
22 #define ERROR_READING_FILE "Error reading file"
23 #define COMPRESSED " (compressed)"
24 #define INVALID_WORD "Word contains illegal characters. Only alphabets allowed!"
25 #define FILE_SAVED "File saved successfully"
26 #define PASSWORD_SET "Password set successfully"
27 #define PASSWORD_RESET "Password reset successfully. Puzzle is no longer \
28 password protected!"
29 #define WRONG_PASSWORD "Wrong password!"
30 #define NO_WORD_INDEX "No such word with specified index"
31 #define INPUT_CONFIRM_EXIT "Are you sure you wish to exit? \
32 Unsaved changes will be lost [y/N]"
33 #define INPUT_CONFIRM_RESET "Are you sure? This will destroy the entire grid\
34 and is irreversible (y/N): "
36 #define USAGE_LINE_1 "Usage: %s [<filename> [new <nn>]]\n"
37 #define USAGE_LINE_2 "<filename> - puzzle file name\n"
38 #define USAGE_LINE_3 "new <nn> - create new puzzle with <nn> grid \
39 columns (warning: existing file name may be overwritten)\n"
41 char *MAIN_MENU[] =
42 {"1. New puzzle",
43 "2. Open existing puzzle",
44 "3. Exit"};
46 char *PUZZLE_EDIT_MENU[] =
47 { "1. Display grid",
48 "2. Add word across",
49 "3. Add word down",
50 "4. Clear Cell",
51 "5. Freeze grid",
52 "6. Unfreeze grid",
53 "7. Set Clue - Across Word",
54 "8. Set Clue - Down Word",
55 "9. Save puzzle",
56 "10.Set puzzle password",
57 "11.Reset entire grid",
58 "12.Export puzzle as PNG image",
59 "13.Export clues to text file",
60 "14.Return to main menu" };
62 #endif