Export clues to Text file completed
[wordblah.git] / constantstrings.h
4 #define FROZEN_GRID "Grid is frozen. Unfreeze grid first!"
5 #define UNFROZEN_GRID "Grid is unfrozen. Freeze grid first!"
6 #define EXCEED_GRID_SIZE "Row/col exceeded grid size!"
7 #define INPUT_ROW "Enter the row: "
8 #define INPUT_COL "Enter the col: "
9 #define INPUT_INDEX "Enter the word index: "
10 #define INPUT_CLUE "Enter the clue: "
11 #define WORD_TOO_LONG "Word too long"
12 #define INPUT_WORD "Enter the word: "
13 #define INPUT_FILE "Enter the file name: "
14 #define PUZZLE_MENU_TITLE "Edit Puzzle"
15 #define MAIN_MENU_TITLE "Main Menu"
16 #define INPUT_GRID_SIZE "Number of rows/columns: "
17 #define INPUT_EXPORT_ANSWERS "Export as solution (y/N): "
18 #define INPUT_CHOICE "Your Choice: "
19 #define EXCEED_MAX_GRID_SIZE "Exceeds max puzzle size"
20 #define ERROR_WRITING_FILE "Error writing file"
21 #define ERROR_READING_FILE "Error reading file"
22 #define INVALID_WORD "Word contains illegal characters. Only alphabets allowed!"
23 #define FILE_SAVED "File saved successfully"
24 #define NO_WORD_INDEX "No such word with specified index"
25 #define INPUT_CONFIRM_EXIT "Are you sure you wish to exit? \
26 Unsaved changes will be lost [y/N]"
27 #define INPUT_CONFIRM_RESET "Are you sure? This will destroy the entire grid\
28 and is irreversible (y/N): "
30 #define USAGE_LINE_1 "Usage: %s [<filename> [new <nn>]]\n"
31 #define USAGE_LINE_2 "<filename> - puzzle file name\n"
32 #define USAGE_LINE_3 "new <nn> - create new puzzle with <nn> grid \
33 columns (warning: existing file name may be overwritten)\n"
35 char *MAIN_MENU[] =
36 {"1. New puzzle",
37 "2. Open existing puzzle",
38 "3. Exit"};
40 char *PUZZLE_EDIT_MENU[] =
41 { "1. Display grid",
42 "2. Add word across",
43 "3. Add word down",
44 "4. Clear Cell",
45 "5. Freeze grid",
46 "6. Unfreeze grid",
47 "7. Set Clue - Across Word",
48 "8. Set Clue - Down Word",
49 "9. Save puzzle",
50 "10.Reset entire grid",
51 "11.Export puzzle as PNG image",
52 "12.Export clues to text file",
53 "13.Return to main menu" };
55 #endif